Kadir, Yushar (2016) PENILAIAN KINERJA JEMBATAN DENGAN ANALISIS INTERAKSI ANTAR ELEMEN. Jurnal Techno-Socio Ekonomika Universitas Sangga Buana YPKP, Vol. 9 (2). pp. 109-209. ISSN 1979-4835

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Generally. all bridge components are physically linked and each functions as specific in a structural context. Because of these relations, if one is not functioning as planned, then it could reduce the bridge perfonnance by affecting directly to bridge performance or indirectly to the other components, i.e. accelerating and/or increasing the deterioration process. ln this research, it can be known the correlation or interactions among these component, the strength of the connections between those elements in assessing the bridge performance (Bridge Condition Index) can also be calculated. The correlation of each of the bridge elements used for initial analysis can assist in determining the elements concerned to be inspected in detail.A study is also done on the inspection of bridge performance based on the performance phenomenon between components to determine the performance contribution of each element tmvards the bridge performance as a u'hole. The analysis is done with the probability method, the correlation, and nudtiple regression analysis to obtain the element condition or deterioration of each bridge component and the contributions of each elements towards total bridge performance. The analysis of the contribution of each element and correlation are expected to be used to support the policy strategy and to improve the system in assessing bridge performance through System Manajemen Jembatan (Bridge Management System/BMS) Bina Marga in Indonesia.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: bridge performance, element interaction, bridge management system (BMS)
Subjects: Jurnal USBYPKP > Jurnal TechnoSocio Ekonomika
Depositing User: Rizal Dwi
Date Deposited: 09 Jan 2020 08:03
Last Modified: 09 Jan 2020 08:03

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