Candidate Recommendations for Voting System Using Modified AHP

Suharsono, Teguh Nurhadi and Kuspriyanto and Yulianto, Fazmah Arief Candidate Recommendations for Voting System Using Modified AHP. IEEE.

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Voting is an activity organized within a country on which the population is obliged to exercise the right to vote and to be elected. Voting is generally done in the traditional way, how the inhabitants go directly to the voting booths, but there are also some countries and local governments that have polled electronically using information technology or called evoting. The voting has become an important part of the democratic system. Poll result data can show effectively in predicting election results. AHP is one of the techniques used to support decision making. In this paper we used AHP algorithm modification with Double-track - Most Significant Operation First (DT-MSOF) concept to help determine voter candidate recommendation during polling. AHP algorithm modification is performed in order to reduce the number of operations that need to be done, where based on the results of experiments the use of the concept of DT-MSOF on AHP can reduce the number of operations that need to be done to get the results (decisions) similar to that obtained by conventional AHP. In this paper we have applied AHP algorithm modification on candidate selection polls compared with AHP algorithm, where the result of poll recommendation for candidate selection shows the same result and has succeeded to reduce the number of operation.

Item Type: Article
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Subjects: Prosiding USBYPKP > Prosiding
Depositing User: Rizal Dwi
Date Deposited: 06 Jan 2023 04:25
Last Modified: 07 Jan 2023 02:16

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